Description: |
Complete ISO 9001:2008-compliant quality management system
program! Includes all six documented procedures required by ISO
9001, an additional six AccuFast-recommended procedures, and the
required records templates required to properly control the quality
management system processes and to provide for the ISO-required
quality system records. In other words, all the required,
recommended, and necessary documentation and records to create,
implement, and manage a complete, effective, and 100% ISO 9001
compliant quality management system! All documents
are in MS Word or MS Excel and are 90% complete DIY Do It
Yourself boilerplates
Coverage: |
ISO 9001:2008 – All Sections!
Contents: |
1. DIY Do
It Yourself Boilerplate (ISO required)
Quality Policy Manual document (AFC-9001-1)
2. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate (ISO required) Procedure and recommended
templates for control of quality system documents (AFC-9001-2)
3. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate (ISO required) Procedure for control of
quality system records (AFC-9001-3)
4. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate Procedure and template for required records
for management review (AFC-9001-4)
5. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate Procedure and recommended templates for
competence, training and awareness (AFC-9001-5) DIY Do It
Yourself Boilerplate Procedure and recommended template for (product and customer)
requirements review (AFC-9001-6)
6. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate Procedure and template for required records
for design and development controls (AFC-9001-7)
7. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate Procedure and templates for required
records for control of measuring equipment & calibrations
8. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate Procedure and models for monitoring,
measuring, analysis, and improvement process controls
9. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate (ISO required) Procedure and all templates
for the required records for an effective internal audit
program. Also included is an Internal Auditor Training program,
complete with training and competence records (AFC-9001-10)
10. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate (ISO required) Procedure and recommended
templates to provide for the required records for control of
nonconforming product (AFC-9001-11)
11. DIY Do It Yourself Boilerplate (ISO required) Procedure and templates for the
required records for corrective and preventive actions
12. QMS “Owner’s Manual”, which contains recommendations and
tips for addressing the other ISO 9001 requirements not address
in the AFC products, and where a documented procedure is not
required! Also, tips effective process
implementation, management, and continual improvement!
Product Code: |
Price: |
$995 USD
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[email protected] or
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are AFC Boilerplates…?”
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